EF20 - v1.1

Eurofurence 20
Crime Scene Berlin

Day Sat - Con Day 4 - 2014-08-23
Room Panel Room 6 — 30212
Start time 18:00
Duration 01:30
ID 463
Event type Other
Track Games | Social
Language used for presentation English

AFK - The Meeting of Second Life Furries

Second Life has been in the news again, but what's really going on? Who are the people using it? What is this whole new Second Life 2.0 thing? Will Oculus Rift change everything? Very informal get-together for current, past and future Second Life users at the [PLACE HERE]. Come to mingle and meet others away from keyboard!

Second Life has been in the news again, but what's really going on? Who are the people using it? What is this whole new Second Life 2.0 thing? Will Oculus Rift change everything? Very informal get-together for current, past and future Second Life users at the [PLACE HERE]. Come to mingle and meet others away from keyboard!